Celebrate Catholic Schools Week Themes

Celebrate the following daily themes in your arch/diocese during Catholic Schools Week, January 28 – February 3, 2024.

Celebrate Catholic Schools Week (CSW) can be the easiest way to get your school and all the good things going on there noticed by your enrolled families, prospective families, your parish, your business community and alumni.  One way to draw attention to your school’s best attributes is to make good use of social media and your website. Short videos, photos and animated clips can capture the attention of your extended community. Please tag NCEA on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter, plus use the hashtag #CSW2024, so we can share your information! Order Catholic Schools Week swag with the new logo and theme at www.catholicschoolpride.com. Take advantage of all of the devices you and your colleagues have on hand to continue to get out the word on why Catholic schools are great places of academic excellence and faith-filled mission.

Sunday: Celebrating Your Parish

Catholic schools benefit all year long from the religious guidance, prayers and support parishes provide. Many parishes join in the National Catholic Schools Week celebration by devoting a Mass to Catholic education.

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Monday: Celebrating Your Community

A central aspect of Catholic education is learning the importance of service to others. When students take part in service activities they demonstrate the values and faith gained through Catholic education.

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Tuesday:  Celebrating Your Students

Schools celebrate students during National Catholic Schools Week by planning enjoyable and meaningful activities for them and recognizing their accomplishments.

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Wednesday: Celebrating the Nation

On National Appreciation Day for Catholic Schools, students, families, educators and other Catholic school supporters communicate the value of Catholic education to government leaders.

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Saturday: Celebrating Families

Parents, guardians and other family members play a vital role in Catholic education. Not only do they volunteer at the school, they instill values and expectations for academic excellence in their children at home.

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Thursday: Celebrating Vocations

By focusing on faith, knowledge and service, Catholic schools prepare children to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life.

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Friday: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers

On this day, schools will honor teachers and principals as well as administrators and staff who support them in their work and thank those who provide volunteer service. 

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Have Questions?

Want to learn more about Catholic Schools Week? Please let us know how we can help you. We can be reached via email.