THURSDAY:  Celebrating Vocations

By focusing on faith, knowledge and service, Catholic schools prepare children to use their God-given talents to the fullest later in life. National Catholic Schools Week offers an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents well in the service of God and others.

TIP: Teach students what a vocation is and how it relates to your school. This is a great opportunity to publicly educate others on and reaffirm your school’s founding charism or tradition by sharing a brief history at an assembly or special event.

Ideas for Celebrating Vocations

  • Host a “career day” where local professionals – both religious and non-religious – can share how their faith guides them in their work.
  • Incorporate a research lesson where students can explore and present on the different religious orders.
  • Provide Eucharistic adoration, asking for prayers for vocations.
  • Encourage interviews of pastors, priests, sisters, brothers and deacons for the school newspaper or parish bulletin – focusing particularly on the topic of “discerning the call.”
  • Create a page on your website or blog with information about vocations.
  • Have a public recitation of the diocesan vocation prayer at Mass.


  • Write letters of thanks to the priests, deacons, sisters and brothers involved in your local parishes.
  • Incorporate a lesson on committing to lifelong service in religion classes this week.
  • Host a discussion group to explore the word "vocation" and how students can incorporate the value into their lives.
  • Celebrate saints who are important to the lives of religious orders such as St. Therese of Lisieux, patroness of missionaries and patroness of many vocations.

Have Questions?

Want to learn more about Catholic Schools Week? Please let us know how we can help you. We can be reached via email.