Letter from Our President (Feb 2015)

Association Update from Brother Robert Bimonte, FSC

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
This year’s Catholic Schools Week was another great success!  From January 25 – 31, Catholic schools celebrated by bringing together students, families, parishioners and community members to participate in Masses, open houses, service activities and other events that proclaimed the value of Catholic schools for young people and their contribution to our church, our communities and nation. 
Thank you to all who shared your celebrations with NCEA by welcoming us into your schools both in person and through social media. I had the pleasure of speaking to teachers and principals from all 15 schools in Guam at their Archdiocesan Schools Conference on January 30. I was also able to visit eight of those schools to witness their great work firsthand. It was an energizing and inspiring experience! 
Let’s keep the Catholic school spirit up. Please continue to share your good news with NCEA!
Last month I shared with you the news that NCEA is conducting interviews for key staff positions at the association. We are currently in the process of interviewing candidates for the Director of Leadership Development and Director of Professional Development positions as well as reviewing applications for assistant directors. These selected candidates will be instrumental as we work toward our vision to Lead, Learn, Proclaim. 
We also look forward to a meeting with the NCEA Board of Directors next month. Their guidance, together with your feedback, is helping NCEA continue to grow. We will keep you updated on news and changes as they happen.
Next Wednesday, February 18, is Ash Wednesday. As we mark the beginning of Lent and enter this season of penance and reflection, let us also remember that as Catholic school educators, we need to help our students reflect and grow in their faith as they journey to adulthood.  I leave you with this excerpt from A Path to Wholeness: Meditations for Lent: “This is a lesson that all of us need to re-learn throughout our lives. Lent provides us with a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the things we do that hurt us, and honestly ask ourselves why we keep on doing them. Let us thank God for the gift of forgiveness, but at the same time, always be aware that each of us is responsible for creating our own happiness… Pray for the strength to make wise choices and set good boundaries.”

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