Praying With You During This Lenten Season

A message from NCEA President Brother Robert Bimonte

Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The heart of the Gospel message is repentance and forgiveness. Each year, the Church gives us the gift of Lent – filled with rich and vibrant Scripture readings – to help us learn once again how necessary it is to forgive ourselves and others. We will never experience the new life of Easter until we let go of our pride, selfishness and whatever else is keeping us from living fully.
Lent is an invitation to look at ourselves and our choices, our attitudes and behaviors, and to seek new ways of living that will bring us the peace and integrity for which we all yearn.
Please know that all of us at NCEA are on this Lenten journey with you in prayer and in spirit.
May God bless you with the gifts of growth, forgiveness and reconciliation so that you may experience fully the new life of Easter!

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