NCEA Provides Catholic Educators Resources for Lent

Reflective Lenten Message from NCEA President

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Arlington, VA – As Christians across the country observe the first day of Lent, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) is offering Lenten resources for Catholic educators.  For more information, visit:

Reflective Lenten Message from NCEA President Brother Robert Bimonte:

“Each year, the Church gives us the gift of Lent - filled with rich and vibrant Scripture readings - to help us learn once again how necessary it is to reflect on our lives, to forgive others, and to forgive ourselves.  We will never experience the new life of Easter until we let go of our pride, our selfishness or whatever it is that keeps us from living fully.

Lent is an invitation to look at ourselves and our choices, our attitudes and behaviors, and to seek new ways of living that will bring us the peace and wholeness for which we all yearn.

During the next 40 days, I encourage you to make it a priority to spend some time each day reading the powerful Scripture of this holy season.  Let it speak to you.  Perhaps there will be a line or phrase that catches your attention or puts your own thoughts into perspective.  If so, stay with it, pray with it, and see what insight or direction God wants to give you.

Please know that I and all of us at NCEA are on this Lenten journey with you in prayer and in spirit.

May God bless you with the gifts of growth, forgiveness, and reconciliation so that you may experience fully the new life of Easter!”


NCEA, founded in 1904, is a professional membership organization that provides leadership, direction and service to fulfill the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching mission of the church. NCEA's members include elementary schools, high schools, parish religious education programs and seminaries.

Media Contact Information

Shannon Andrea, Director of Marketing Communications
(571) 206-1529

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