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STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Math) continues to gather ‘steam’ in Catholic school education. Catholic faith integration remains at the center of the STREAM curriculum model. The STREAM Council Committee will provide guidance and insight on building and maintaining professional development opportunities and learning resources that are meant to acquaint, enrich and facilitate Catholic school educators in the design and delivery of STREAM... Details
Monarch Rescue: An Educator's Guide to Using Butterfly
Gardens to Implement STREAM. This publication is the culmination of the efforts of those in the Monarch rescue Project, generously funded from 2014-2018 by Dr. Judith Wagner. You will find elements of science, technology, religion, engineering, art and mathematics in the resource presented here. STREAM takes STEM to a deeper level of holistic education by incorporating the beauty of faith, language and creative arts.
NCEA Briefs: The 4-C's: Understanding 21st Century Skills
The second Brief in the 4Cs sub-series of the STREAM Series. The Critical Thinking in the Light of Faith. From the 4Cs sub-series of the STREAM Series. This booklet addresses the framing of the 4Cs in the context of Catholic education and faith; and teaching the 4Cs using strategies and models. This Brief equips the reader with what they need to know to fulfill the important role of preparing students for both the 21st century life and the next!
NCEA Briefs: The 4-C's: Critical Thinking
The first Brief in the 4C's sub-series of the STREAM Series. Critical thinking is the basis for comprehending the world around us therefore it is essential for children to acquire this skill, starting in the classroom. This brief will teach how to apply the 4C's: critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. By breaking down broad ideas such as critical thinking, teachers will learn how to illustrate a better understanding of it by sharing real world problems,... Details

Laudato Si'

Following the principles of Laudato Si'.


Momentum Magazine

Relevant, timely and important articles and best practices in the realm of Catholic education.


Faith Assessments

Tools to evaluate your religious education programs.
